Shawford Train derailment: In July 1952, after the driver misread a signal, a northbound train jumped the points just south of Shawford and was derailed.
Content with category: portfolio
The Ancient Roads of Compton, by J.S.Drew, appeared in five parts in the Compton Parish Magazine from September 1937 to January 1938.
The Old School at Silkstead: J.S.Drew's account of the Catholic School which operated at Silkstead during the second half of the seventeenth century
Short history of the Itchen Navigation, commercially important since before Norman times, until operation ceased in 1869.
Silkstead - Once a Centre of Activity tells the story of the people who lived there or passed through, their animals, and what they ate and drank.
Compton and Shawford Memorial Playing Field 70th Anniversary marked by planting a new tree on the western boundary of the field
Report of a visit to Compton and Twyford by the Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society on 19 May 1903. Hampshire Records Office ref TOP78/3/2
Opening of the Victory Memorial Playing Field on 4 September 1948, as reported in the October 1948 edition of the Parish Magazine.
Report of a 1902 general meeting of the parishioners of Shawford and Compton held to discuss Church Accommodation and whether a new church should be built. Taken from the Hampshire Chronicle
Haunted Compton: stories about the Grey Lady and other ghostly figures and haunted houses in and around the village.
Cecil Cooper, on his retirement to Compton in 1938, remembers the 1905 extension of Compton Church; Churchwarden Robert Cope gives the view from 75 years on
Relph Burn remembers life in the parish and his duties as sexton, verger, bell-ringer and grave-digger, which he took over from his father in 1931.