Relph Burn remembers life in the parish and his duties as sexton, verger, bell-ringer and grave-digger, which he took over from his father in 1931.
Content with category: portfolio
Broken Lights - a 1911 article about the old window in the north wall of Compton Church, reproduced from the Parish Magazine of July 1930
Compton Clergy of Long Ago - a series of articles about previous rectors of Compton from the 1934 Parish Magazine
Barbara Turnbull's paper about John Summers Drew, a gifted amateur historian now best known locally for his 1939 "Compton, near Winchester"
Hockley Viaduct Brief History, from its opening in 1891 to its restoration for relaunch in 2013 as the Viaduct Way. Originally published in the Southern Counties Railway Society Newsletter, February 2013.
The Hockley Viaduct Timeline - as given on the Winchester City Council website and preserved by the Internet Archive machine
The Actor and the Architect: Arthur Heathcote and Herbert Kitchin - distinguished residents whose contributions greatly enriched the life of the parish.
Short Guide to All Saints Church Compton covering the church's history and significant features of its architecture, interior elements and memorials.
All Saints Compton Extension 1905: before and after illustrations and related plaques on display in the church and the Hampshire Archives.
Ray Wilmshurst: George Beckett, Compton & Shawford Parish Council chairman, recalls Ray's 57 years of contribution to the community.
Percy Cole: postman, soldier, gardener and long serving Scout leader, remembered by rector William Prescott.
Arthur Malcolm Heathcote - his lifelong interest in acting and the theatre and his inspiration for the Heathcote Players.