A rare chance to hear about a previous rector of Compton who was also an eminent photographer, from the man who wrote the book about early clerical photography

The Rev. A.H. Blake and the world of clerical photography
Rev A H W Blake, F.R.Hist.S., F.R.G.S. [2]Rector of Compton April 1902-December 1903 see Rev A.H.W.Blake (this website) was already a well-known photographer when he came to Compton as rector in the coronation year of 1902.
His guide to photography was in its third edition by 1899.
He founded the Photographic Section of the Winchester Literary and Scientific Society and led photowalks in Twyford Meadows.
After leaving Compton, he spent the rest of his life writing and speaking about photography.[3]Blake was the founder of the London School of Landscape Photography, Photographic Editor of the Morning Post for many years, founder and president of the London and Country Rambling Society. He also … Continue reading
7:30pm Wednesday 3 May 2023 at Compton Sports Pavilion
Open to all
but please tell the organiser, Adrian Walmsley,
if you want to come (use the form below).
Guest speaker: Dr James Downs[4]James Downs on LinkedIn, Archivist of the Middle East Collections at the University of Exeter and editor of Photographica World, the magazine of the Photographic Collectors’ Club of Great Britain.
James had long been fascinated that so many clergymen were interested in photography in the late 1800s and early 1900s.[5]James’ 2019 PhD thesis was Ministers of ‘the Black Art’: the engagement of British clergy with photography, 1839-1914 .
James will show some old cameras of the type that Blake would have used, and give lots of examples of Blake’s photography and writing.
No charge to attend.
We welcome donations (cash) towards the cost of room hire and speaker’s travel expenses.

3rd Edition 1899
pub George Routledge & Sons Ltd

(the Photographic Collectors’ Club of Great Britain)
Flyer with event details
↑1 | believed to be out of copyright |
↑2 | Rector of Compton April 1902-December 1903 see Rev A.H.W.Blake (this website) |
↑3 | Blake was the founder of the London School of Landscape Photography, Photographic Editor of the Morning Post for many years, founder and president of the London and Country Rambling Society. He also founded the Society of Night Photographers of England. |
↑4 | James Downs on LinkedIn |
↑5 | James’ 2019 PhD thesis was Ministers of ‘the Black Art’: the engagement of British clergy with photography, 1839-1914 |