People, places and events in the parish's history

LHS Meeting Thursday 8 November 2018

Compton & Shawford Local History Society

Date: Thursday 8 November 2018

Time: 19:30

Place: Compton & Shawford Sports Pavilion

What for: Open meeting for anyone with an interest in our local history.

We particularly welcome people with an interest in a particular area of local history who would like to help with research.

Outline Agenda

  1. Welcome and introductions.
  2. Notes and actions from the meeting held on 26 April 2018
  3. Peter Neyroud has offered to give a talk on his research into the history of Goldfinch Cottage, attached to Compton Manor Farm House
  4. Any other news and ideas for future research.

Please contribute £1 towards costs of using the building.

Notes of previous meeting

36M66/93 Map of the manor of Compton Reproduced by permission of Hampshire Records Office
36M66/93 Map of the manor of Compton Reproduced by permission of Hampshire Records Office

The previous meeting was on 26th April 2018. In attendance were:- John Wilkinson, Adrian Walmsley, Bill Goodyear, Bill Robinson, Edward Pooley, Jane Boyles, Penny Neyroud, Peter Neyroud, Colin Jones, David Brocklehurst and Peter Betts.

There was some brief discussion on the new Data Protection Act and the LHS policy was adopted. It can be accessed on   https:/

The notes on the meeting held on 16.11.17 were referenced.

Colin Jones re-emphasised the importance of the map section at the Records Office, in particular the 1735 map. He also suggested that past editions of the Hampshire Chronicle have much useful information.

There was some discussion on the nature of Local History research falling into the categories of “academic”, “ethnographic/naturalistic“ and “personal/anecdotal”. Each is appropriate if backed–up by grounded evidence. A useful comment was “See where the lead idea takes you……”

Adrian Walmsley took this approach in his illustrated talk on “ The Actor and the Architect”. He looked at the families of the Heathcotes of Hursley and the Kitchins in some impressive detail. This is now being developed into in a series of articles for the LHS website, as are the articles below.

Parish Magazine

In the time since the last meeting the following LH articles have appeared in the Parish Magazine:-

MPF 1939-1945 metal plaque
  • May 2018: reprint from May 1934 an obituary to Alfred Henry Evans, teacher and thespian.
  • July 2018: a reprint from July 1948 on a choir outing, the Scout Troop and Horticultural Society.
  • July 2018: reprint from July 1930 on “Broken Lights” the Mediaeval glass in All Saints Church.
  • August 2018: reprint from 1948 on Rededication of the War Memorial and the Heathcote Players.
  • September 2018: reprint from 1981. “The Verger’s Tale” life of Ralph Burn.
  • October 2018: a reprint of the official opening of the Victory Memorial Playing Field, from the October 1948 Parish Magazine

John and Adrian have now finalised their re-write of the History of All Saints Church Compton with full and exciting colour illustrations. After PCC approval we printed the booklet in October 2018.  It will be available for a minimum donation of £1 a copy with proceeds to the church development.

John Wilkinson, OBE.
Convenor Compton & Shawford Local History Society.